Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Brother...

8 months ago today my life was changed forever. The state of shock, disbelief, anger, and sorrow hit all at once and even after all these months I still visit each state at times with different triggers.

So many things remind me of you- seeing a guitar or hearing acoustic music being played, teas, smoothies, wheat grass, certain songs, my bottle of anisette from Italy- your lips touched it last.

Bing cherries- the day you and I road into Winston in my Mustang just to buy them and share them on the way home when I was pregnant with Marisa, grandma's pickles- you and I shared a love for them like no other, jet boat rides.

VW Bus- I pass one on the way home sometimes and it makes my heart want to burst out of sadness, guitar picks, my right index finger- cuz you were missing part of yours.

Hearing someone say "Sissy" you are the only one to ever call me that- there are many other things because you so touched my life in more ways than you ever could have imagined. There is a part of me that seems to always be thinking about you.

Today you would be 26 years old. 

I remember the summer of  '99 when you were baptized. O how I hope that sealed you in the Book of Life. Out of all the memories I have, this is my most treasured. For it is the only one that gives me any hope of ever seeing you again. I have dreaded this day for 8 months and I know I will make it through however hard it may be, but I do wish I could hug you and say Happy Birthday face to face. And to say thank you for always being so great to my kids. They miss you so much. We all do.

This is where my thoughts are today as this year closes out. It has been a sad year in our home. God is good- I know that. He will get us through- I hold on to nothing tighter than this. Jesus is my breath and strength and I don't know how a person would get through this without Him. O how I long to know you are with Him. To see you standing there with Him- I love you Chris.

 New Years Eve when Chris turned 24

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I was thinking about this today- specifically my own identity- who am I? So much of my life I thought I knew who I was and now I am really not so sure. Life unfolded before I really thought much beneath the surface of things. Before I knew it, I was a wife, mother, and home schooler. Yes there were seasons that seemed to drag on, but really the time has whisped by and now I find myself preparing for my oldest daughter-who just turned 18- to graduate. I find my middle child learning to drive and totally desiring independance, and my youngest not so much of a baby anymore. I began working a couple of months ago and have all children in school. Almost everything I have been linked with has changed. Yes, I am still wife and mother- but really these rolls are changing so much that it is not at all what it has been for so many years.

Life seems to not make a lot of sense right now. It is chaotic, like the picture above. Who wants that in front of them as they are driving along the road needing clear guidance. NOT ME. I like simple and life is anything but simple. It is going all different directions and trying to keep up is just exhausting.

So in the midst of unexpected changes, I ponder my identity. As I do- I am so thankful to be reassured that I am a child of God. I am sealed in Jesus Christ and nothing can change that. Though life is so full of undesired changes and I feel a bit lost in it all right now- God is still good and that is something I can be sure of. I thank the Lord for His mercy that is new each morning. I am thankful for an able body that can work hard each day. I am thankful for the moments- that are fewer and fewer- when my sweet family is all under the same roof. I am thankful that though I don't know who I am at the moment or what my roll is in life that I have a Guide who is leading me and so I shall be ok as I cling to Him.

Anyone else in a similar place?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is God listening?

I have been wondering this as my prayers seem to bounce off of the atmosphere back to earth instead of ascending to the ears of the One I am speaking to.

Are you listening Lord? I try and remind myself of His power and might and love and convince myself He is... yet silence is what sits in my soul.

I read something this morning that brought such comfort and joy to me and I want to share it in case you have been in a similar time~

Daniel 10- Daniel was given a vision and it was a tough message- bringing him much grief. So he prayed day after day, fasting and mourning, and heard nothing. Well on the 24th day a messanger of the Lord appears and verse 12 says,

Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.
 What wonderful words to read. What comfort we have that the Lord shows us an example like this of a man earnestly seeking and waiting on the Lord. God will show up- somehow, someway. It may not be right away, or 24 days later, but we can count on the Lord. He is faithful and He DOES hear our prayers.

Monday, July 30, 2012


A word I come across in my devotion today and I love it- it is the opposite of me and it is so what I need. It comforts me because it is what God's love is for us...

Indefatigable- incapable of being fatigued; inexhaustible; persistant

God's love for us is indefatigable! Isn't that awesome! O how thankful I am for the love of the Lord. For when everything else seems in a tailspin- it is our one constant- even when we don't feel it or see it we can know that:
...neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalites nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
 What comfort! What security! The love of the Lord never ceases.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Red lights for days...

With me this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
I know the first part of that statement is true- I am living it. I believe the second part of that statement is true- I am clinging to it.

2 Kings 7:4 (paraphrased by me) We are doomed no matter what we do! So surrender and what will be, will be.

And Elisha's words came true- from faminie to feast, from sorrow to joy, from hopelessness to celebration.

I do not know how our present situation will turn out, but I know that I can not change my circumstances so I will seek the One who can. In fact from my perspective, all looks hopeless. I have been seeking to be filled, but taking in the wrong stuff. Like when we need a good healthy breakfast but go for the maple bar- it still leaves us feeling empty or sick. My mind has been absorbed on all that is lost, all that I have desired and can't obtain.

God your ways are higher than my ways and your thoughts greater than my thoughts! May I rest in that today. I will sit at the red lights until you show me which ones are green.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Acceptance with Joy...

For months now I have been praying about joy, or my lack of it. I have been searching for the "secret" to it. Abide in God- well that is the secret for everything, but when you are abiding and still no joy- what then? When it takes every ounce of energy to get through your day doing the bare minimum how do you even try to seek joy? Well, I have come across a little passage in a book that leaped out at me and I am devouring it in prayer and thought. It is from the book Hinds Feet on High Places and it says:
I've learned that I must accept with joy all that you allowed to happen to me on the way and everything to which the path led me! That I was never to try to evade it but accept it and lay down my own will on the altar and say, "Behold me, I am thy little handmaiden Acceptance-with-Joy. (p 240)
So I have read and reread this because I want to learn this and live this out. Lord, I am your handmaiden and you may do as you wish with me and my life. I am here to be poured out before you and I pray you find my life a reasonable sacrifice to you. I am so very grateful for You and all you have done in my life, for I see that without you I would have been full of misery and bondage. I am truly so appreciative and pray only that I may be more bold for your name's sake. In time I look forward to being filled with rapturous joy! I desire only to do your will, so please help me see your direction and hear your voice.

O- one more thing I must share about the book- in case you have never read it- (and if you haven't I recommend doing so)...the companions that travel with the main character are Sorrow and Suffering, but in time they get new names and guess what they might be...(read the book to find out). haha :)

Have a blessed weekend!
In His love and strength,

Friday, June 1, 2012

One month...

It has been a tough month in our home. We are getting by moment by moment, but it hasn't been pretty and it hasn't been easy. In this time, I am thankful for those around us who care so much. Those who pray for us and have served us in numerous ways. Through this time, I am thankful for God and the strength He provides when we have no strength of our own. It is a moment by moment process we are in, never knowing when we are all all of the sudden overwhelmed with grief that seizes us like it did initially- the heaviness of heart- an ever present reminder that our loved one is gone.

Of course we have all walked the road of regrets- could've, should've, would've- we have searched the photo albums, shared stories, dealt with the material possessions, and now treasure those things that were so precious to him. They don't replace what's lost, but they are dearer today than they were before because he isn't here anymore. O how we would give them all up for the presence of him though.

We have faced the fact that it is going to be a tough time moving forward. We will be flooded by saddness by the very thought or sight of certain things that trigger memory. O how my heart aches for my parents- every parents worst nightmare. Many live through it though- forever changed, forever heart broken.

I seek God day and night for peace of where he is for eternity and I get nothing but silence. O- I hear Him in other things- like check your childs phone or pray for your friend- but no answer to- please tell me he is with You. I just want to know He is with you. Nothing but my heart beat answers back and tears flow.

Life has been turned upside down for me. I do what I have to do in my day. I seek the Lord for comfort and direction. I know I don't walk this road alone- it is a road travelled frequently. I also know the Lord will get me through. I know that no matter how down I am I will say blessed be your name- you give and you take away. I know that I long for heaven more and more each passing day, and I know the Lord hears my prayers even when I feel like they aren't getting through.

God has a plan and I will continue to remind myself of that as I struggle through this season. I will say though- if you are reading this and someone is on your heart to share Jesus with- pray for an opportunity. Cuz in the end- when a life is over on this earth the only thing that matters is- did they love Jesus? We know this and at times live it out, but when you do lose someone- you will find yourself saying- I could've done more, I should've said more, I wanted to show more of Jesus... and the reality is- it is too late now.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fresh starts...

Who doesn't look forward to a fresh start in life? We can get so caught up in the here and now and lose sight of the bigger picture. A fresh start is what I am desiring- in my walk with the Lord, my marriage, as a mom, etc. I am thankful to move out of the season that just wrapped up, but I desire an excitement for what is to come. I want to view life as an adventure. All adventures have their share of ups and downs, uncertainties and surprises, thrills and excitement. I am looking for the Lord's hand in all of it and trusting and believing He is in every bit of it.

We have a lot of rebuilding to do under our roof. I have spent a lot of time this past year grieving the changes that are inevitably taking place-a big one being... my kiddoes growing up...I keep praying I will embrace them and I have struggled with this, but something changed in me today. I was writing back and forth with a sweet friend who just lost her mom this past week. Her mom leaves an amazing legacy of a lover of Jesus and her daughter has had such respect and love for her. In the midst of our writing back and forth- one of the final things she wrote was- "I don't know who I am or how to be without her here, but I am still functioning." And then she wrote-" I am so blessed she was my momma!"

I have reread this a few times and it fills my heart with so much awe and joy because that is success! We can get so caught up in finances, jobs, paying bills, our needs and our wants- but really when it all comes down to what matters most- it is love! To love and to be loved is the biggest treasure we can have. What a reminder for us as we strive for "things" too often. Yes, we want the love and it isn't that we forsake it, but we can forget the importance of it in the other pursuits of our day to day life.

So my fresh start is coming back to that which matters most- love. And first and most importantly- to love my Lord more. To know Him, experience Him, trust Him, believe Him. I do want to learn to be content in whatever season and circumstance I am in. So I am looking at it like I am on an adventure. I am comforted to know that at the end of it awaits heaven. With this in mind, I don't have to fret so much daily over my circumstance. Even if it is tough- this part is short in comparison. And whether we are blessed with little or much, I will live a full life and leave a legacy with my daughters like this sweet woman did with hers.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My children...

We heard it all the time when we had babies- "O the time will go so fast" and as the toddlers become school age we heard "Wow they are getting so big"- and now we are the ones saying "O my goodness, where has the time gone! They are nearly adults!" Yes, it is true- those sleepless nights that once seemed as though they would not end- have been long gone and now we are preparing for SAT's and looking at colleges! Wow, a few blinks and here we are.

The thing is- I LOVE being a mom! I love my kids being here and hanging out on the weekends. Each night when we watch the news at about 10:05ish the chief of police comes on asking if we know where our kids are and I love to say- Yes, they are all in their beds, sleeping safe and sound! (Silly- maybe but in the same sense- I know too soon those days are coming that they won't all be under the same roof.) I get it, I know it is the way it suppose to be. Parenting is a temporary job. I fought the beginning stages of parenting back in 1994 and had a lot of selfishness to die to along the way, but now I am grieving the season changing.

Mind you I know not all of them are about to flee the nest, and I would love for them to hang around for their first year or two of college, but the fact is- we are on the downward slope of this mountain. I am so thankful for the uniqueness each of them have brought to our family and I am so proud of them.

Things I have seen recently that are treasures in my heart: Keira taking a spelling test and because it was a review list- she had some words showing on her paper and she took time to scratch it all out so she would not be able to cheat. She has done things like this on her own many times. I love that each Sunday she remembers to bring her own communion cracker because she doesn't like the ones at church. We go to grab the cup and she pulls her cracker out of her pocket week after week. haha I love their faithfulness when they say they are going to do something- like read for a timed amount of time- they do it to the sound of the buzzer. My oldest, Marisa, will disagree with choice of clothing, but most days she will come back out having changed into something I approve of- though I didn't "make" her do so. My Shyla- has shared some wise insight recently and it just made my heart swell with joy. She is gaining wisdom as she fumbles through her first year of high school. She has always been so encouraging to her older sister too in the many things Marisa has done from gymnastics to soccer to writing and singing songs. It has not all been easy- life isn't easy. These moments are so precious to me- seeing their character take shape and I love to see them choose right- not because I am standing over them, but because they want to do it the right way. I hope and pray they will always come back to this place- even if they detour for brief periods of time. They are so much wiser than I was at their ages. I am blessed beyond measure to be their mom.

Just one of those mommy kind of days that I am playing the reel of life through my mind and I must say- thank you Lord. I am so very appreciative for this life you have given me to walk in. Some days and seasons are tough (and this is one presently) but I still have so much to give thanks for. Just their breath of life today is a gift. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Denying self...

My husband and I are in a time of reflection on where we have been and where we are heading. We are at a type of intersection- I would say. Behind us lays our choices we made- jobs passed up, homes sold, detours taken and we compare that to where we are now- mostly in relation to struggles and we wonder what do we do on the road ahead?? We seem to be in a place where all our choices are colliding and we've been a bit down trodden- truthfully.

I have been battling some things and praying I remember what we were thinking when we chose what we did. I sat this morning remembering some of the reasons for our choices and in the worlds eyes it sounds foolish. My husband passed up travelling jobs that offered a lot of money so he would be home with the family. I was a stay at home mom to be with the kids full time. We homeschooled for the first 8 yrs of each of the girls education to be their biggest influence. We moved from the country and community we loved to be near my dad who was ill. In the moments the decisions needed to be made- we did pray much and feel a peace about it. However years later, we struggle with did we make the right choice? Should we have been a family that strived more for better finances? Should we have remained in our 15 year morgage and be half way through having a home owned free and clear? Did we miss the wisdom from the Lord?... Cuz I was seeking it.

This morning, I have a different perspective. We have made it through. It has been a battle, yes, but we have riches money can't buy. We have no material treasures tethering us in this world. I ponder- is this my own "build up my choices speech" and I think not. I just am reflecting on our choices and most of the time I feel like we have missed the mark. Today I rest in- that our choices have been out of denying ourselves. We haven't done what is best for ourselves. We have done what is best for our children and family members and yes even as it has all panned out- much seems foolish. Kids are struggling, family is dramatic, but our choices were based on faith and love and love is what lasts.

Struggles abound and the mountain we see through this intersection looks steep and there is no certainties for our future this side of heaven. God has always been with us though- and in the moments, by faith- we believe He lead us to where we are today, so on we will go- moving forward- whatever/wherever that might be. I hope this encourages someone who may feel in a similar place today. May we each feel His presence and His love- for there is nothing better than that in this world!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Road Block...

This is what took place in our life a couple weeks ago now...
Yes, there were warning signs that rocks were falling. Yes there was the effort to get off this road, but when the boulder fell- it rocked us into a season of uncertainty and brought about so many emotions.

The fear of the unknown future. The waves of anger because it really didn't have to end up like this. The jolt of impact shook us to the core. Did we mess up? Were we being punished? Did we overlook an open door? Did we not listen to the Lord somewhere along the way? Immediately, I choose to switch thoughts to thinking of things we can be thankful for, and praying for covering, for provision, for peace. Also I was reminded- we were never promised this life would be easy and we should not be surprised by boulders that block our path.

We began doing what we could do- we search for another direction of travel. We are open to whatever road the Lord has for us. Yet, I battle the fretting of how long will we sit in this place- waiting for the boulder to not be so blinding and devasting. I worry about how we meet the needs and comfort our sweet children who have such full lives and desires. I battle to trust in the One who is our provider because I know many go a long time in this season of being at a road block like this. I wonder how can we become any tighter financially than we have been. Holding back thoughts is like trying to hold back the flood gates.

I settled in my heart a long time ago that there is no where I would rather be than where God puts me and I feel this even stronger today. In the midst of the tough times I have already walked through I know He is always working something better in our lives. Even in tremendous sorrow, I know we have hope and healing somewhere in time. It sure doesn't take away the pain for today though- does it? We do have His peace that passes understanding- but that can even be flighty as the waves of emotion hit us and more rocks- though smaller than the big boulder continue to fall upon us.

I will choose to say, "Blessed be the name of the Lord" He does give and take away and though I fear and fret- I will remain by Him. He is my breathe, my strength, my joy, my rock! He is bigger than any boulder and able to do abundantly more than we can imagine.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Armor of God- By Randi Feland

This was written by a sweet friend for a Bible study we are in together. I thought it was something to share and with her permission here it is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Written by Randi Feland:

Okay, so this marks number 4 of attempts to short, my computer hates me and the feeling is mutual..soooo I shall attempt this again.

So, the armor of God...First and foremost, the three most important things (the shield, the sword, and the helmet) are not things that we can create ourselves. We cannot make up our own saving faith or salvation itself, nor can we create our own version of the Word of God that is under authority of the Spirit of God. The other things (belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, and shoes of readiness with the Gospel) I think can almost be a change of behavior sometimes rather than a change of heart. It can be moral actions, lots of correct knowledge and facts, etc. But then you are just standing on a battlefield with cool looking belt, breastplate and shoes. A soldier needs more than cool shoes and a shiny breastplate...we need more than right actions, nice slogans, and stacks of bible commentaries...we need the Lord.

 The shield of faith is exactly that when I think what faith does in my own life, and what it cannot protect me from when I neglect to hold it up. I picture a soldier on a battlefield again, full armor, but no shield..there are rocks, arrows, all sorts of things being thrown his way, and he may not be killed, he may even make his way across the field, but he's crawling, beaten down, barely making it across because he's trying to make it through on his own, there is nothing to hide behind. That is what I'm like when I try to be a better 'christian', when I think that breastplate of good behavior, or righteousness, is thick enough to drop that shield of faith. Or when I think I know enough, when I think it would be much better if I could make the battle plans and map- I know whats best for me. Can't I just be rid of this 'faith' thing... because there are some days when its pretty heavy and cumbersome, and can't I make it farther without lugging around that big ol thing? No, I can't and I won't.

 There are a few things that I can't help noticing when I read about our weapon and the enemy's (and this may have something to do with just recently reading all the Hunger Games books and seeing the movie, but anyway..). First, Paul gives the enemy 'flaming arrows' to work with and the more I thought about it, this totally suits the enemy we face doesn't it? Because you don't have to even be seen (and in fact its better to remain hidden) if you are shooting arrows at people, you don't need to be right in front of someone to harm them. We never see the enemy at work until, often, its too late. He is flinging arrows all the while but sometimes we are oblivous that we are even under attack. And second, the arrows themselves, not only do they pierce (for immediate wounds and fatalities) but they are on fire, thus causing more damage and scarring. Our enemy wants us to remember our hurts, our losses, he wants us to mourn our defeats. Its not a pinprick, a stubbed toe..its a burning arrow in your flesh, in your spirit, it is there to defeat you. Its gonna hurt to remove it (the sin, the habit, the person), and its gonna take some time to heal.

Finally, our weapon, the sword. Its a close combat weapon, and one that needs to be used correctly. You need to know who you are targeting and where and how you are going to take them down. At first, it kind of seems smarter if we are the ones with the flaming arrows...just shooting out prayers and hallelujahs, and kind of randomly trying to take out the enemy. Because that would be safer.  But we aren't called to do that. It takes going back to the first couple chapters of Ephesians to remember again who we are and what we are chosen for. We were predestined for victory. So we don't need to be the ones hunkered down in a battlefield. Or remain incognito so the enemy won't find us. We should be running through enemy encampments, knocking down strongholds and blazing through evil schemes and traps. Paul doesn't say 'and take up your horse of the Spirit and ride like the wind in the other direction.' or 'and hunker down with shield of faith and make a campfire of the Spirit and just stay warm and cozy till help arrives.' No, he says, here take this shield, take this helmet and take this mighty sword and lets rock! (okay, he doesn't say lets rock but I'm sure if there was a soundtrack to Ephesians it would include some ACDC). So, I can do this life. I can lead my children, I can pray with and for my husband, I can worship with abandon, I can follow where He tugs my heart, whether its to the ends of the earth or the end of the block, I can give my money to Him, I can step out boldly and talk to a stranger, I can hold that shield and swing that sword and rejoice mightily unto Him when another wicked scheme of the enemy is turned into Glory for the Lord. I can do this! Because He has chosen me for it, equipped me for it, and empowered me for it. And He will never let me fail.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Meditation: One Thing...

I sit this morning meditating on Matt 26:36-41. Jesus is in the Garden, takes a few disciples with Him and is there to pray- to meet with God and plead for a way out if possible. Now we know the whole story, but they didn't. I would have went to sleep like they did- I am sure of it. I can barely keep my eyes open passed 9pm. Here is Jesus though- stressed and struggling. This comforts me. I know what He was about to face is something much larger than anything I face. He knew the outcome- God had the plan and He was going to overcome. It was just an extremely tough road ahead.

In His anxiety (deep distress my version says)- He goes to the One who could change circumstances- He is fervent in prayer. He lays out His request, but surrenders His will.

Just take that in...Lord this is what I want to do with my worries. Help me walk in the balance of doing my part in things, but learning to rest in Your plan and to surrender to Your will. Lord, I see my spirit is willing and my flesh is weak. I pray for your strength in my life. I desire to grow in Your way and live as You have called me to live. Help me in my struggles and in the end may I surrender to Your will each time.

I think of the song that says- Empty me, Empty me...and Fill me, with You, with  You. ("Holy Fire") Lord I see I have so much that needs to be emptied inside of me. And Lord, if You choose not to change my circumstances, than I pray for your peace and strength to walk the road ahead. I, too, know that ultimatley I will overcome as heaven awaits, but it is the sufferings between now and then that have me tossing and turning and clenching my teeth and fretting each day. Have your way in my life Lord. May I be surrendered before you.

You are the One Thing I need. I do know that. Help me live that out day by day, moment by moment.
You are good, all the time. I believe that. I know You love me and that is the sweetest thing in life.
My desire is to please You so direct my path Lord and help me follow no matter how difficult it is.
There is no one else to go to but You. You are life to me. (Jn 6:68)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Finish line in sight...

For the passed 9 months I have had my attention directed toward a completion of a goal that began 20 years ago- getting my AAT degree. To most this is not a big deal- you get it right out of high school and move on to bigger and better things- whether it be higher degrees or better jobs, etc. Well for me, I have carried in me all these years that this was an unfinished goal of mine- one I felt was an important one. Not because I wanted to walk through another graduation line. Not even because it guaranteed some better employment. It was something left undone in me and though it didn't consume my life and I have loved the life I have walked in- it has always bothered me that it was left unfinished. So with some encouragement from my wonderful friend, Rachel, I enrolled again summer of 2011 and became a part time student. I am in my last week of reaching this goal. I have wrapped up all classes, except one. In this last class, I have completed all the homework and I am down to two important hurdles near the finish line. I have a final that I must pass and a presentation I must give in order to receive the final four credits needed to achieve this long-time goal. I am weary, I have been stressed for months now, and I am so ready to cross this finish line! I have no intentions of walking in a ceremony or anything of the sort, but I do believe that on this day next week- I will be ecstatic to have accomplished this goal.

Do you have things in you- however little they may seem- that have been left unfinished. Things that maybe only you and the Lord really know about- but they pop up in your life every so often? Well, by all means pray about it- but maybe they keep rising to the surface for a reason. Accomplishing it may be tough and at times down right frustrating. However, if you can't let it go- maybe you aren't suppose to. Only God can work that out with you. And His timing is critical.

I will say that as I am coming to the finish line- I am thankful for the nudge to complete these classes. I do not know what the future holds or if I will continue classes. I plan to take time to breath, be thankful, and enjoy life. I have been too short-tempered with my kiddoes and my husband and so I am looking forward to just serving them again- joyfully. I am looking forward to doing some yard work, enjoying the spring season, and drawing near to the Lord. I could not have accomplished this in my own strength and I am so thankful for His work in my life. Glory to God for carrying me (and my family) through this time. I believe this is a gift from God as He has known the desire of my heart.
"He has made everything appropriate in its time...I know there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime; moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor- it is the gift of God." Eccl 3:11-13

Thursday, March 1, 2012

All dried up...

This is a good picture of how I feel my life has been lately. The season of going through the motions- doing the urgent things, trying with the important- but seemlingly messing them up over and over again- which then is like- maybe I am deceiving myself that I am even trying in the first place. Anyway, not to write out an eeorye-type of blog- just setting the tone as to where I have been. Mind you- little moments in it have reminded me the Lord is near. There are little nuggets of hope every so often. (as my last blog shared)

I even know what I need to do- I need to sit with the Lord and be renewed, refilled with His spirit. I am battling in this too. There is so many voices in my head- so many distractions of urgency needing done- that at best- it is a small draw from Him and I am back to depletion too quickly. So I wake with anxiety day after day- which has never been a norm for me. Even on my bed, I toss and turn- which again-a new thing- I usually sleep like a baby. In all of it- I know there are things for me to learn, things for me to be thankful for, and I believe this season will pass. So in the mean time, I pray alot. I listen to praise music as often as I can. And if I notice myself going down the spiral of negative thoughts- I halt those thoughts and literally speak aloud positive truths.

So, I know that none of us go through things alone. If there is anyone that would read this and find themselves in a similar place- press on. This will pass. Don't waste energy thinking about when- just deal with the things in the day you are in and worship the Lord as best as you can and trust Him with all things. That alone will zap all energy- haha, but at least we are exerting it where it can really make a difference. And I do believe- at some point- we will look back and see even more clearly the lessons we have learned and that the Lord was near through it all. We were never promised it would be easy, but that it would be worth it.

Is 58:11 "The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whos waters never fail.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Eyes that see...

In the midst of trials we encounter, there is a greater awareness that can surface at times. For the past few weeks as I have been seeking God's way out of where I am at- something bigger has happened. I have seen things that I would most likely have been too busy to notice otherwise. Things like-
people embracing w/tears sliding down their cheeks, an older man praying over his wife, a little girl clapping off beat, kids walking home from school just chatting and being kids
but with all these things-I see beyond what my eyes take in- like the dreams and desires that they each stand for, battles we all go through and the simple pleasures in life like laughter-and these are the thoughts in my head-
Your loving kindness is better than life. The riches of your love will always be enough- even if nothing gets better. I want to breath you in and out- filled with more of You. May I be open to being poured out for your glory and purpose. And again and again I hear- "no sweeter name" than Jesus.
So on I go- taking it in, but honestly I have been so busy that I haven't fully thought about it all until today. Today is the day I record these swirling thoughts down. I know God is at work and I know I don't need to figure out how or why, but I just need to receive it and be open and listening for His sweet voice. I hope you take time today to hear His voice. There is nothing more precious nor more important than Him. I forget that at times, but that is what He is reminding me of, in my present circumstances. Nothing is a guarantee this side of heaven. The Lord gives and takes away and I pray often that I will be able to say in every step of it- Blessed be Your name. It is a tough thing as the rubber meets the road. May we have eyes that see His way and purpose and when we can't get there- may we just trust and serve Him. Phil 4:4-13 Lord may I live these verses out. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing...think on the true and pure and right things...content in all situations...and walk in Christ's strength.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Parking Lots...

Over the past six years, parking lots have been a place of refuge for me. They are where I find myself when I am at the end of my own strength, when I am in a place that I know the only thing that will help me is the Lord. The pains a heart can go through are tremendous and circumstances in life can be crushing. So I have found myself searching for a parking lot at certain times- to pull over and pray and cry out to God. The most amazing thing is- He meets me every time! Though circumstance is what it is- the way I enter the lot and the way I leave are different. Yes, my heart remains heavy and eyes may be puffy- but I go looking for peace and comfort and I leave having received just that. I am so thankful for the Lord. That He cares for us like He does is amazing to me.

I hope you have felt the true peace of God. Once you have experienced it- you will never want to be without it. The way we battle through life though- we so easily loose that- our focus gets off centered or life gets too busy or something happens that just takes you by surprise and you are floored- wind knocked out of you. It is those times you just cling to Him and go wherever you must so that you can sit and rest in Him. Some have a prayer closet, some have a special chair- for me it is in my car in any parking lot that is safe and available. :)

God draws near to the broken hearted...and when we are broken hearted- there is nothing else we desire than for Him to draw near. What an awesome, intimate God we serve.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fix it queen...

Does that describe anyone else?  Why do we, as women, wanna fix things in other people?

Well, I am trying to put down the "fix-it" title. I know it is the Lord who makes lasting change, but I am always a bit too eager to help Him along- though He is not asking for my help. :) *blushing* And who do we want to fix most often??? Our spouses and children- right? I mean mother knows best!!... No- God knows best. ;)

So we go through life being others "Holy Spirit Helpers" driving ourselves a bit crazy because bottom line- Only God can  reach the heart to "fix" things and it has to be a choice from the individual needing the fixing. Last March, so almost a year ago, I had been praying for my wonderful spouse because he wasn't seeing things as clearly as "I thought" he should (haha) and he needed to do something- as far as "I" was concerned. (again blushing) So I am in the Word, praying, writing in my journal, and God shows me something for myself... I am reading about Abraham and Sarah and God telling them they will have a child in their old age... and during their waiting Sarah, aka "fix it queen" thinks she has figured out a way to make God's plan happen and so they act on it- Abe and Hagar have a baby- which causes a big ol mess and the rest is I am reading that and God shows me- don't try and figure things out Rose. Trust, pray, wait and I will work...I, yes I, will bring it about. (sheepishly grinning and blushing more)- ok God. God has it figured out. He knows what we need and what is best for our growth as well as those we love. So we are closing in on a year of me being in this place, a year of me living moment by moment, of struggling through my own impatience, and longing for this season to end. It must not be time yet because we are still here, so I will continue to trust, pray, and wait. I am so thankful the Lord showed me this- I would hate to have made a mess of something that God already has worked out in his time. He is the "Fix It King"!!
So Lord, may I be your maidservant in prayer, serving joyfully day by day, walking in full assurance that you got this! You got it all under control and you are so powerful and awesome that I do not need to jump in and save the day- You already have! I am so thankful for you Lord. Thank you for your Holy Spirit guiding us moment by moment. Fill us with your love that we may overflow to those around us.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Teenagers are Smart...

Yes, I typed that title correctly. :) In the past 24 hrs I have heard two stories of teens that have done extraordinary things! A 16 year old in California has done a Science experiment curing cancer and has found it successful in removing tumors in mice. And just this morning on the news- two teens in Canada made a lego man and attached a camera to it and sent it up- it cleared earths atmosphere and made it into space! Amazing stuff!

So you might say- well these two are exceptions to the norm...I would still disagree. I have two teens under my own roof right now and I think they are incredibly smart...sometimes even for their own good. haha They have insight and view points that help expand mine at times and I love learning things from them. There is many things a teen balances- at a time of life that balance is not at all what they want to be doing.

I have also realized recently- there has been a lot more correcting going on for neccessary reasons. I was sharing with a friend who has younger children and she reminded me of something that we can forget to do in the season of teenagers...give positive encouragement!! We can get caught up in the typical battles that come with the teen years and get in a cycle of nagging or arguing and we as parents need to recognize this (or have a good friend help us in that) and step out of the picture long enough to assess things. My dad always said- when you are going to talk about bad news with someone (discipline to the teen is bad news)- start with something positive, hit em with the news, and end with something else positive- it helps the defensiveness not be as bad and you are living out a good motto- "the positive sandwich"- it was good advice!!

I love that we can learn something from everyone and our teens are no exception! They are full of "smarticle" things for us to glean. And maybe...just maybe...if they see us look at them in that light- they may strive more for wisdom over folly and that is a win-win! Don't you agree??

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Guard rails...

O how wonderful guard rails are when we are on the road. If we hit a patch of ice and spin out of control it is a protection placed there to keep us from going over the edge. They may dent up the car, but they can save the life of the person inside. Hitting them will sound harsh, screeching, and scary but it will help keep you safe in the long run.

Well, off of my last post- I was a bit down-hearted and my sweet friend reminded me of this analogy. It is from a book titled "Boundaries with Teens" by Dr. John Townsend.
God made parents to be the guard rails on the twisting road of life. You need to be strong enough for kids to crash into over and over and over again. You must stay strong, so that your teens will learn to stay on track. Guard rails get dinged up. But if they work well, they preserve the young lives that run up against them.
 I have driven to the coast before and seen a guard rail that has its posts, "anchors" missing and even seen where corrosion has exposed enough of it that it has weakened the ability of safety on the guard rail. So, too, there is a lesson here for us as parents. We need to be sitting before the Lord and refilling in His strength, wisdom, and plan so we can be sturdy enough to be a ricochet target for our kids. It is a tough thing to be and impossible without the Lord's anchor deep within our own lives.

So I say this to me just as much as I say this to anyone reading this...draw near to God and remember there is a battle going on out there- it is being fought on the turf of each of our hearts* and we as parents need to be in prayer with and for our children. It is tough out there. I saw a video this week that wrenched my heart- about a 15 year old girl who has went through so much loss in a short period of time and has been bullied at school for years.

Talk with your children- know their world- be their biggest fans. It's not only our responsibility- it is our privilege. And be their boundary marker- even when it is not well received. Do it in faith unto the Lord and most of all- show them and tell them every day that you love them. Actions speak louder than words in this, but do both! :)

*(paraphrased, but taken from Paul David Tripp)

Monday, January 16, 2012

One of those Sundays...

Well, we got up and headed off to church- like most Sundays. Great service, message to ponder and glean from, and out the door for home. What happened next has become too routine for our drive home- people bickering at each other- hence someone near tears and someone else now upset. UGH! NOT AGAIN! We pull off so I can run into a store and grab eggs for breakfast and I am praying...

I get back to the car feeling like giving up and I just speak out truth- 
we all have a choice to make here- we each hold in our possession the ability to build unity or tear it down in our family. Our choice will be followed by actions and evident to all. The choice is in each of us and I suggest you take a look at what your choice shows in this family...
(which in a house of ladies is a rarity) lol

I sat feeling as if I had an epiphany! I have been praying that the Lord show me a new perspective on my parenting. I seem to be at a cross road. What worked when the girls were younger, doesn't work as well now. In fact, I see them resisting the things I have taught them for years. Instead of teachable moments- they see them as lectures. Instead of sharing stories or verses they see me as being annoying. And honestly- I am trying to control what is not mine to control. So I was reminded today- my place is to provide them with truth and then they choose their path. Now as long as they remain under my roof there are non-negotiable things that are going to remain. The other areas I will continue to seek the Lord's perspective and wisdom. They gotta figure it out and I have exerted so much energy trying to steer them into the exact path to walk, but I hear the Lord saying- let go! This is a hard thing for me. However, I have walked with the Lord long enough to know that when He says to do something I best get on it, so I will continue down this road- believing God is at work and and thankful for the perspective He is teaching me.

Anyway, if any of you out there are in a similar place- I hope you find some encouragement to know that you aren't alone and God will show you a different way to deal with the battles at hand.

I wish I could say the victory began at that moment...but we had battles continue through the day, but in the end- my two who fight most often- were playing Wii together, laughing, and enjoying life together. And it is a simple thing- but it is a treasure to my heart and all I can say is thank you Jesus. :)

"He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it...." Phil 1:6
"Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!" Ps 133:1

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


O this is the word that describes my week! I did a lot of self-talk yesterday to get through it and then spoke out in my house when I should have remained silent- making a disaster that was not needed. I pray I learn to handle chaos better- but then again I guess the only way I will get there is by having chaotic seasons. :( O dear...

Well this morning as Keira and I did Bible- (we are talking about creation)- we were discussing that God made order from the chaos. Ahhh- a swoosh of peace fills me immediately. I smile even as I type this because when we are looking- God does come along side us in many ways. It is those little things that help us realign and as we remember God is bigger than the stuff around us and that He so cares about us even when we are freaking out overwhelmed, there is a peace that floods us! TY Lord!

So as I have been praying for a while now- Lord teach me to have joy in all circumstances- here is another opportunity for me to grow. And as I pause to set my eyes on the Lord, rejoicing happens naturally...
Rejoice in the Lord always, Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Phil 4:4-7

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Well, this is one word that describes these passed months in the Hillburn home. We have so many things that are coming apart. I keep praying that it stops or new doors open, but so far we are still here, slowly unravelling and waiting. It has been inter-mingled with some amazing things as well, but in the core of my being I feel things slowly coming a part. At first it was like a roller coaster ride of emotions, but as the months have passed on- I am learning things in it- like how to be content in the circumstance and growing (minutely) in patience. :)

I was at the coast with two dear friends some years back and saw a saying in a shop we were walking through. It has stuck with me and I have told myself it in different seasons...this season being one.

"Put your Big girl panties on,
and deal with it!"

There are times in life that we just gotta tell ourselves this! Those "rubber meeting the road moments" in our lives... You are faced with disappointment or unexpected/undesired news or life is just in a season of being in the pits- we gotta push through things. So many times recently, I have had to keep this mentality in mind-I didn't realize that life would be this tough. All the responsibilities and decisions can be overwhelming. For years, I have had that energy that makes me feel like I am queen of my own little world, but lately- not so much of that going on here. Words like overwhelmed, exhausted, no right answers are more accurately where I have been.

Some days I feel like I can do nothing more than the task at hand...some days I feel like I have tried so hard to do what needs to be done and it all has went wrong...some days I just feel like I am out of sorts and just need to go back to bed. These are all new things in my life. I had nearly convinced myself I was in control- mostly. I mean I know the Lord is the One in control, but under Him I had things working all right. All that has crumbled underneath me and I now feel that I am back to square one of learning and figuring things out. Anyone, know what I am saying??

Some of us are going through some really big things right now and so I hope you keep your focus on the Lord and tell yourself on the days you need to hear it- put those big girl (or boy) panties on and push forward- even if it is little steps. Perspective is so important in tough times and remembering that this life is only part of the whole picture helps to keep hope alive. So I find that I am waiting on the Lord to move, to heal, to give direction.

"Those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Is 40:31

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Standing in awe...

Today was a day I stood in awe. A day where tears filled my eyes to watch what took place. It was not that something grand took place, or even something that anyone else would know or care about aside from the handful of eyewitnesses here. However, my heart was moved and I give praise to the Lord for what I saw.

It was really quite a simple thing- it was my witnessing someone do something kind for someone else- with no expectation of return or even recognition or gratitude needed. It was the sweetest, purest form of servanthood and it touched my heart. It challenged me to seek opportunities to bless others just for the sake of blessing them, no returns desired.

Maybe part of my standing in awe is linked to the miracle attached to it. Regardless though, all I can say is that I stood in awe of God's hand at work in front of my eyes. Every good and perfect gift is from above and so when something so good and perfect is bestowed upon someone else- that is from the Lord. He deserves the glory and so I say- glory to God! :)

This is the time of year so many of us make our resolutions and want to change things about ourselves. This year I didn't make resolutions- I just want to press forward, to know Christ more, and to be about the greatest commandment- to love Him and others...that is what I saw displayed today and it (obviously) deeply moved me. And it isn't a New Year's resolution- it is my life pursuit. I hope your eyes would witness something like this and that it would tug on your heart to act upon it...better yet, be this example for someone else to witness and have a tug on their heart. :)