O how wonderful guard rails are when we are on the road. If we hit a patch of ice and spin out of control it is a protection placed there to keep us from going over the edge. They may dent up the car, but they can save the life of the person inside. Hitting them will sound harsh, screeching, and scary but it will help keep you safe in the long run.
Well, off of my last post- I was a bit down-hearted and my sweet friend reminded me of this analogy. It is from a book titled "Boundaries with Teens" by Dr. John Townsend.
God made parents to be the guard rails on the twisting road of life. You need to be strong enough for kids to crash into over and over and over again. You must stay strong, so that your teens will learn to stay on track. Guard rails get dinged up. But if they work well, they preserve the young lives that run up against them.I have driven to the coast before and seen a guard rail that has its posts, "anchors" missing and even seen where corrosion has exposed enough of it that it has weakened the ability of safety on the guard rail. So, too, there is a lesson here for us as parents. We need to be sitting before the Lord and refilling in His strength, wisdom, and plan so we can be sturdy enough to be a ricochet target for our kids. It is a tough thing to be and impossible without the Lord's anchor deep within our own lives.
So I say this to me just as much as I say this to anyone reading this...draw near to God and remember there is a battle going on out there- it is being fought on the turf of each of our hearts* and we as parents need to be in prayer with and for our children. It is tough out there. I saw a video this week that wrenched my heart- about a 15 year old girl who has went through so much loss in a short period of time and has been bullied at school for years.
Talk with your children- know their world- be their biggest fans. It's not only our responsibility- it is our privilege. And be their boundary marker- even when it is not well received. Do it in faith unto the Lord and most of all- show them and tell them every day that you love them. Actions speak louder than words in this, but do both! :)
*(paraphrased, but taken from Paul David Tripp)
Amen! This is great! Thanks, friend :)