This was written by a sweet friend for a Bible study we are in together. I thought it was something to share and with her permission here it is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Written by Randi Feland:
Okay, so this marks number 4 of attempts to short, my computer hates me and the feeling is mutual..soooo I shall attempt this again.
So, the armor of God...First and foremost, the three most important things (the shield, the sword, and the helmet) are not things that we can create ourselves. We cannot make up our own saving faith or salvation itself, nor can we create our own version of the Word of God that is under authority of the Spirit of God. The other things (belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, and shoes of readiness with the Gospel) I think can almost be a change of behavior sometimes rather than a change of heart. It can be moral actions, lots of correct knowledge and facts, etc. But then you are just standing on a battlefield with cool looking belt, breastplate and shoes. A soldier needs more than cool shoes and a shiny breastplate...we need more than right actions, nice slogans, and stacks of bible commentaries...we need the Lord.
The shield of faith is exactly that when I think what faith does in my own life, and what it cannot protect me from when I neglect to hold it up. I picture a soldier on a battlefield again, full armor, but no shield..there are rocks, arrows, all sorts of things being thrown his way, and he may not be killed, he may even make his way across the field, but he's crawling, beaten down, barely making it across because he's trying to make it through on his own, there is nothing to hide behind. That is what I'm like when I try to be a better 'christian', when I think that breastplate of good behavior, or righteousness, is thick enough to drop that shield of faith. Or when I think I know enough, when I think it would be much better if I could make the battle plans and map- I know whats best for me. Can't I just be rid of this 'faith' thing... because there are some days when its pretty heavy and cumbersome, and can't I make it farther without lugging around that big ol thing? No, I can't and I won't.
There are a few things that I can't help noticing when I read about our weapon and the enemy's (and this may have something to do with just recently reading all the Hunger Games books and seeing the movie, but anyway..). First, Paul gives the enemy 'flaming arrows' to work with and the more I thought about it, this totally suits the enemy we face doesn't it? Because you don't have to even be seen (and in fact its better to remain hidden) if you are shooting arrows at people, you don't need to be right in front of someone to harm them. We never see the enemy at work until, often, its too late. He is flinging arrows all the while but sometimes we are oblivous that we are even under attack. And second, the arrows themselves, not only do they pierce (for immediate wounds and fatalities) but they are on fire, thus causing more damage and scarring. Our enemy wants us to remember our hurts, our losses, he wants us to mourn our defeats. Its not a pinprick, a stubbed toe..its a burning arrow in your flesh, in your spirit, it is there to defeat you. Its gonna hurt to remove it (the sin, the habit, the person), and its gonna take some time to heal.

Finally, our weapon, the sword. Its a close combat weapon, and one that needs to be used correctly. You need to know who you are targeting and where and how you are going to take them down. At first, it kind of seems smarter if we are the ones with the flaming arrows...just shooting out prayers and hallelujahs, and kind of randomly trying to take out the enemy. Because that would be safer. But we aren't called to do that. It takes going back to the first couple chapters of Ephesians to remember again who we are and what we are chosen for. We were predestined for victory. So we don't need to be the ones hunkered down in a battlefield. Or remain incognito so the enemy won't find us. We should be running through enemy encampments, knocking down strongholds and blazing through evil schemes and traps. Paul doesn't say 'and take up your horse of the Spirit and ride like the wind in the other direction.' or 'and hunker down with shield of faith and make a campfire of the Spirit and just stay warm and cozy till help arrives.' No, he says, here take this shield, take this helmet and take this mighty sword and lets rock! (okay, he doesn't say lets rock but I'm sure if there was a soundtrack to Ephesians it would include some ACDC). So, I can do this life. I can lead my children, I can pray with and for my husband, I can worship with abandon, I can follow where He tugs my heart, whether its to the ends of the earth or the end of the block, I can give my money to Him, I can step out boldly and talk to a stranger, I can hold that shield and swing that sword and rejoice mightily unto Him when another wicked scheme of the enemy is turned into Glory for the Lord. I can do this! Because He has chosen me for it, equipped me for it, and empowered me for it. And He will never let me fail.