Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to love our children...

Love- a big word- meaning different things to different people- what is love to you? what is love for a parent to a child? or from a spouse to another? or one friend to another? it is the most important and intense emotion and action we experience. When I look up the definition in our dictionary- it leaves so much unanswered, such a small part of love is covered... "fondess, intense feeling of affection, romantic or sexual attachment"... Wow- we have missed the mark!

We have 1 Corinthians 13 that gives us a great definition of love. Love is patient, love is kind... Many of us may have part or all of that Scripture memorized- but do we live this defintion of love daily? No, I don't- this definition is fully encompassing and tough to walk all the time, day to day, moment by moment. So practically, today- I wonder how do I love my daughters like they need to be loved. How do I be what they need today, so they know how much I love them and support them? I tell them daily and send them facebooks and emails with the words, I love you- but what actions are they needing today, in their present situations? This is what is on my mind today.

I am seeing more and more that my season of parenting is shifting. For so long now, it has been about taking care of their daily needs, keeping things in order, having them on a schedule. Now it is about their schedule and being available when they choose they want to talk, keeping later hours so I still am up to make sure they make it in safely at night, still holding them accountable- but in much different ways. The way they want love from me is changing and half the time I don't think they even know what they need- it is a big transitioning time.

The one things that will remain, even when they are not living at home is- me praying for them. It is the one thing I can do consistently on their behalf, that shows my love in action for them. So in a time that attitudes, styles, and friendships change so often- and I battle through how to show them my unconditional love- sometimes failing at living out what my heart feels for them- the one thing that will remain whether they are 10, 14, 17, 25, home, in college, or marriage with families of their own- is I will be in prayer for them.

My family!

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