Thursday, November 10, 2011

Joy in Suffering...

As I think about this today- many things come to mind.
So I weed out the ones that are from fear- for that is lack of trust.
I take captive the ones that are the what ifs...and not in my present reality.
Battling through the myriad of things that flood my mind and I come to this...
To live is Christ, to die is gain.
Paul's words as he is in a prison and choosing joy in his sufferings.
To live is Christ- what does this mean to me?
My life is His. I should reflect Him in how I live, serve, accept the path before me...
He is my breath, my strength, my hope, my reason to get out of bed each day~
Yes, I love my family and they are who I am serving daily- but my life is about Jesus. die is gain...
hmmm- thinking on this- do I view dying this way?
No, I don't. So I have more to learn here, so much more.
There are times I think to be "taken up" would be the easier thing, but I have lost the sight of the glory of it.
The truly wonderful life that awaits us after death here.
I need to remember this...for in remembering this, joy starts to surface in present sufferings.
In our sufferings, it is really hard to fabricate a false joy.
The rubber meets the road and we see what has filled our hearts.
In our sufferings, the wood and stubble and hay is blown away and we get a glimpse if there be any precious metals that need refined.
It is a season for reflection and tearing down,
but I can be confident of this:
He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it.
I don't know the details of this and they aren't for me to know.
So I will choose to trust in Jesus, in His hand in my life.
I choose joy today, regardless of circumstances.
God is good, even when life is hard!

Being still before Him,


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