Sunday, December 25, 2011

Miracles DO happen...

There is something that is happening in my life that I cannot contain my excitement! It has been a very long season of extreme hurts and sadness and really at times fighting a feeling of hopelessness. And today, this very night- that which seemed impossible has become a possibility. O how full of joy I am at this moment.

Have you had something like this happened to you? I know that in time, the wonder wears off and it becomes a normal thing in our lives- but remember that feeling when it was all unfolding or working out when it didn't seem it would. Remember how amazing that moment was. I will treasure this in my heart for the rest of my life and it will be a testimony I will remember the next time I am standing on the edge of no hope, with something that seems impossible and I will declare that "All things are possible with God!"

Today, I rejoice in the labor of prayers being heard and answered. And I want to encourage anyone who has prayers that aren't answered yet...don't lose hope. Even when something has happened that seems irreversible- hold on to the promises of God because He does not see things the way we do. He has a plan and one day we will be able to understand. For today- keep praying and keep hope alive. God does hear us and He is faithful to do His work in each of us.

Merry Christmas friends! Jesus is the reason we celebrate- not just this day, but each day we are given. May you all be blessed beyond measure- not just by material gifts, but by the gift of love- for there is no greater gift than this.

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