Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Good, Better, Best...

When my girls were little we put a tune to a poem. I believe it stemmed from a study I had been doing at the time. Anyway, it goes like this:

Good, Better, Best
Never let it rest
Until your Good is Better
and your Better is Best.

If you ever see my girls, ask them to sing it for you- I am sure the tune is forever engrained in their minds. :) heehee I hope it does stick with them through their lives. We can so easily settle for less than the best and why? We should want what's best- in our school work and grades, in our marriage or single life, in our friendships, parenting, etc.

This is so fitting with a sign I read a couple of weeks back- "Your reputation is not built on things you are going to do." We must have our actions showing our words are true. We must be living out the choice of better life daily to get to the best of life we can have. It doesn't just happen and it doesn't come easy.
I try and take time to reflect on where I am at in my heart of hearts. I seek to see if there is anything hiding out in closets deep inside of me (ie bitterness, grudges, jealousy, etc) and deal with it. I want to live out a good, better, best life- to come to the end of my life- whenever it may be- and know that I fully lived out the life I was given and have no regrets- to live as Christ would have me live (for He alone knows what is best). Don't you want that too?

During this time of year, we can get so caught up in the gifts, preparations, and decorations that we can forget the best part of this season. The time we get to spend with family (even those difficult to deal with) and the memory we get to make is the best part of the season. Sharing Christ's love and a servant's heart with those in our community is the best thing we can do. Roads are so busy- so many people fill the malls and stores. Smile, help someone out, share a little bit of your time...this is where the rubber meets the road in truly loving others. 

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