Friday, December 16, 2011

Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness...

Up again at 4am and no- this is not my wake up time. Lately however, it is becoming a norm for me. When my conscious state is up like this- well before my body is ready- I take it as a sign that the Lord has something He is trying to tell me and I have not been listening closely enough- so I usually try and pry myself up- unless of course I lay there a bit and the Lord allows me to fall back to sleep- which has not been the case recently. :)

So, I arise and start coffee. As I look in the fridge I see that the roast that I put in there has definitely thawed because the juices have come out of its wrappings and I sigh and clean it up. Well, coffee finishes brewing and no sooner do I write the title for this blog- and this is what follows:
I get up to go grab something- most likely I am on the verge of getting side tracked- and I end up knocking my freshly poured cup of coffee off the table and it breaks and coffee goes ALL over the floor and surrounding furniture. Not a good way to start the day. My positive in it- at least it hit the floor and not go all over the lap top... Ty Lord!

Well, it is a play-by-play morning and I have to tell you- I sit to listen to a video- thinking I best hear what it is the Lord is trying to say and let me tell you- I am being disciplined (ya think! LOL). It is nearing 5:30 am and I am already thinking this has been a long day! ha I want to share what I know- beyond a shadow of a doubt- are the words that needed to fall on me today. I want to share because I know I am not alone in this...

In the midst of my present storm, I have missed the mark...the place that God would have me be. See I have been ticked off and down right angry. I could have and was suppose to have been an instrument used to intercede and invite the favor of God upon those involved in this storm. Are you thinking we don't have that much power? Think on this carefully dear friend- yes we do! Even as I hear this small part of a larger message- I am flooded with reminders of confirming thoughts and words spoken to me to encourage me in this way, but I have been too busy throwing a fit to take it in. Yes, I have no doubt this is what the Lord has been trying to deal with me on.

O how beautiful forgiveness is better than anything this earth has to offer us. When we are faced with our failures, it is the sweetest thing to know we have a God who loves us so much and as we ask to be forgiven- He is quick to do so and showers us with His love and mercy. It brings tears to my eyes to take this in. We will never figure God out- we will not know why He does what He does, nor fully understand the methods He uses or allows to take place. If He was small enough for us to figure out- why would we surrender to Him? So I sit at yet another crossroad on my I continue on this path I find myself on? Acting a bit like an overly large toddler, or do I choose to give up my will, my desire, and trust that my ever-loving Lord is fully capable of delivering us out of this storm?

Wow- I am in awe of His love- for He loves those He disciplines. I am so thankful for the discipline. I am thankful to be realigned. I remember when my oldest daughter was a toddler and one day she told me that she needed a spanking- I sit here this morning seeing that I am in need of correction and I am so thankful to have given up some sleep to hear from the Lord this morning.

O Lord, may we each hunger and thirst for your righteousness, may we literally crave your word daily and long to be in your presence. May we quiet our thoughts to hear what it is you have to teach us. Your love is better than life and I pray that is lived out in our actions each day. Please forgive me for my anger and the words I have spoken in anger. May my words be seasoned with grace and full of unconditional love. Have your way in this home. Please help us let go and stop fighting things. Help our unbelief, increase our faith. May you truly be our all in all. Thank you for the blood of Jesus that covers our sin. Thank you for your love and discipline. As we hunger and thirst for you, may we "dine with Christ" (as  Beth Moore says). For then, and only then, will we be truly satisfied.

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