There is something that is happening in my life that I cannot contain my excitement! It has been a very long season of extreme hurts and sadness and really at times fighting a feeling of hopelessness. And today, this very night- that which seemed impossible has become a possibility. O how full of joy I am at this moment.
Have you had something like this happened to you? I know that in time, the wonder wears off and it becomes a normal thing in our lives- but remember that feeling when it was all unfolding or working out when it didn't seem it would. Remember how amazing that moment was. I will treasure this in my heart for the rest of my life and it will be a testimony I will remember the next time I am standing on the edge of no hope, with something that seems impossible and I will declare that "All things are possible with God!"
Today, I rejoice in the labor of prayers being heard and answered. And I want to encourage anyone who has prayers that aren't answered yet...don't lose hope. Even when something has happened that seems irreversible- hold on to the promises of God because He does not see things the way we do. He has a plan and one day we will be able to understand. For today- keep praying and keep hope alive. God does hear us and He is faithful to do His work in each of us.
Merry Christmas friends! Jesus is the reason we celebrate- not just this day, but each day we are given. May you all be blessed beyond measure- not just by material gifts, but by the gift of love- for there is no greater gift than this.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Limited time...
We, in America, live trying to fit more hours in the day than exist. I have been the captain of that ship many times in my life. Anyone who has children can't escape having more to do than there is time for. Presently, we are in one of the busiest months of the year as people are shopping and scurrying around to try and make the holiday season all they hope and expect it to be.
So where do we fit in time to be still and meet with God?? I have become good at prayer on the go- and that is good to do, but we must have the moments of quieting ourselves before the Lord. I was up this morning trying to do just that- and I had so many things popping up in my mind- o email a thank you to this person, send pictures to that person, make Kelly's lunch, baking list needed...and on the list went...I got through 1/2 a chapter in Philippians and was like- "what did I just read??" My mind was not focused. I know it happens to all of us, so I want to share something that encouraged me...
I switched and picked up a devotion I have been working joke- the title "Rules for a Busy Life." (I am laughing even as I type it!) I am just going to write it out as I read it because the book said it so wonderfully...
So as Christmas is a week away, the time is ticking...don't forget to fit in the most important part of life- even if it is a brief 3 won't regret it!! :)

I switched and picked up a devotion I have been working joke- the title "Rules for a Busy Life." (I am laughing even as I type it!) I am just going to write it out as I read it because the book said it so wonderfully...
If you have not much time at your own disposal, do not fail to make good use of every moment you have. It does not require long hours to love God, to renew the consciousness of his presence, to lift up the heart to him or worship him, to offer him all we do or bear. This is the true kingdom of God within us, which nothing can disturb.Sometimes we have an hour or hours to worship and read and take in the Word, and other times we don't. When we don't- reading a verse and meditating on it is better than skipping it completely because we have too much going on. :) Again I am reminded that I am so fast to complicate things the Lord has made simple.
So as Christmas is a week away, the time is ticking...don't forget to fit in the most important part of life- even if it is a brief 3 won't regret it!! :)
Friday, December 16, 2011
Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness...
Up again at 4am and no- this is not my wake up time. Lately however, it is becoming a norm for me. When my conscious state is up like this- well before my body is ready- I take it as a sign that the Lord has something He is trying to tell me and I have not been listening closely enough- so I usually try and pry myself up- unless of course I lay there a bit and the Lord allows me to fall back to sleep- which has not been the case recently. :)
So, I arise and start coffee. As I look in the fridge I see that the roast that I put in there has definitely thawed because the juices have come out of its wrappings and I sigh and clean it up. Well, coffee finishes brewing and no sooner do I write the title for this blog- and this is what follows:
I get up to go grab something- most likely I am on the verge of getting side tracked- and I end up knocking my freshly poured cup of coffee off the table and it breaks and coffee goes ALL over the floor and surrounding furniture. Not a good way to start the day. My positive in it- at least it hit the floor and not go all over the lap top... Ty Lord!
Well, it is a play-by-play morning and I have to tell you- I sit to listen to a video- thinking I best hear what it is the Lord is trying to say and let me tell you- I am being disciplined (ya think! LOL). It is nearing 5:30 am and I am already thinking this has been a long day! ha I want to share what I know- beyond a shadow of a doubt- are the words that needed to fall on me today. I want to share because I know I am not alone in this...
In the midst of my present storm, I have missed the mark...the place that God would have me be. See I have been ticked off and down right angry. I could have and was suppose to have been an instrument used to intercede and invite the favor of God upon those involved in this storm. Are you thinking we don't have that much power? Think on this carefully dear friend- yes we do! Even as I hear this small part of a larger message- I am flooded with reminders of confirming thoughts and words spoken to me to encourage me in this way, but I have been too busy throwing a fit to take it in. Yes, I have no doubt this is what the Lord has been trying to deal with me on.
O how beautiful forgiveness is better than anything this earth has to offer us. When we are faced with our failures, it is the sweetest thing to know we have a God who loves us so much and as we ask to be forgiven- He is quick to do so and showers us with His love and mercy. It brings tears to my eyes to take this in. We will never figure God out- we will not know why He does what He does, nor fully understand the methods He uses or allows to take place. If He was small enough for us to figure out- why would we surrender to Him? So I sit at yet another crossroad on my I continue on this path I find myself on? Acting a bit like an overly large toddler, or do I choose to give up my will, my desire, and trust that my ever-loving Lord is fully capable of delivering us out of this storm?
Wow- I am in awe of His love- for He loves those He disciplines. I am so thankful for the discipline. I am thankful to be realigned. I remember when my oldest daughter was a toddler and one day she told me that she needed a spanking- I sit here this morning seeing that I am in need of correction and I am so thankful to have given up some sleep to hear from the Lord this morning.
So, I arise and start coffee. As I look in the fridge I see that the roast that I put in there has definitely thawed because the juices have come out of its wrappings and I sigh and clean it up. Well, coffee finishes brewing and no sooner do I write the title for this blog- and this is what follows:
I get up to go grab something- most likely I am on the verge of getting side tracked- and I end up knocking my freshly poured cup of coffee off the table and it breaks and coffee goes ALL over the floor and surrounding furniture. Not a good way to start the day. My positive in it- at least it hit the floor and not go all over the lap top... Ty Lord!
Well, it is a play-by-play morning and I have to tell you- I sit to listen to a video- thinking I best hear what it is the Lord is trying to say and let me tell you- I am being disciplined (ya think! LOL). It is nearing 5:30 am and I am already thinking this has been a long day! ha I want to share what I know- beyond a shadow of a doubt- are the words that needed to fall on me today. I want to share because I know I am not alone in this...
In the midst of my present storm, I have missed the mark...the place that God would have me be. See I have been ticked off and down right angry. I could have and was suppose to have been an instrument used to intercede and invite the favor of God upon those involved in this storm. Are you thinking we don't have that much power? Think on this carefully dear friend- yes we do! Even as I hear this small part of a larger message- I am flooded with reminders of confirming thoughts and words spoken to me to encourage me in this way, but I have been too busy throwing a fit to take it in. Yes, I have no doubt this is what the Lord has been trying to deal with me on.
O how beautiful forgiveness is better than anything this earth has to offer us. When we are faced with our failures, it is the sweetest thing to know we have a God who loves us so much and as we ask to be forgiven- He is quick to do so and showers us with His love and mercy. It brings tears to my eyes to take this in. We will never figure God out- we will not know why He does what He does, nor fully understand the methods He uses or allows to take place. If He was small enough for us to figure out- why would we surrender to Him? So I sit at yet another crossroad on my I continue on this path I find myself on? Acting a bit like an overly large toddler, or do I choose to give up my will, my desire, and trust that my ever-loving Lord is fully capable of delivering us out of this storm?
Wow- I am in awe of His love- for He loves those He disciplines. I am so thankful for the discipline. I am thankful to be realigned. I remember when my oldest daughter was a toddler and one day she told me that she needed a spanking- I sit here this morning seeing that I am in need of correction and I am so thankful to have given up some sleep to hear from the Lord this morning.
O Lord, may we each hunger and thirst for your righteousness, may we literally crave your word daily and long to be in your presence. May we quiet our thoughts to hear what it is you have to teach us. Your love is better than life and I pray that is lived out in our actions each day. Please forgive me for my anger and the words I have spoken in anger. May my words be seasoned with grace and full of unconditional love. Have your way in this home. Please help us let go and stop fighting things. Help our unbelief, increase our faith. May you truly be our all in all. Thank you for the blood of Jesus that covers our sin. Thank you for your love and discipline. As we hunger and thirst for you, may we "dine with Christ" (as Beth Moore says). For then, and only then, will we be truly satisfied.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Good, Better, Best...
When my girls were little we put a tune to a poem. I believe it stemmed from a study I had been doing at the time. Anyway, it goes like this:
This is so fitting with a sign I read a couple of weeks back- "Your reputation is not built on things you are going to do." We must have our actions showing our words are true. We must be living out the choice of better life daily to get to the best of life we can have. It doesn't just happen and it doesn't come easy.
Good, Better, Best
Never let it rest
Until your Good is Better
and your Better is Best.
If you ever see my girls, ask them to sing it for you- I am sure the tune is forever engrained in their minds. :) heehee I hope it does stick with them through their lives. We can so easily settle for less than the best and why? We should want what's best- in our school work and grades, in our marriage or single life, in our friendships, parenting, etc.
This is so fitting with a sign I read a couple of weeks back- "Your reputation is not built on things you are going to do." We must have our actions showing our words are true. We must be living out the choice of better life daily to get to the best of life we can have. It doesn't just happen and it doesn't come easy.
I try and take time to reflect on where I am at in my heart of hearts. I seek to see if there is anything hiding out in closets deep inside of me (ie bitterness, grudges, jealousy, etc) and deal with it. I want to live out a good, better, best life- to come to the end of my life- whenever it may be- and know that I fully lived out the life I was given and have no regrets- to live as Christ would have me live (for He alone knows what is best). Don't you want that too?
During this time of year, we can get so caught up in the gifts, preparations, and decorations that we can forget the best part of this season. The time we get to spend with family (even those difficult to deal with) and the memory we get to make is the best part of the season. Sharing Christ's love and a servant's heart with those in our community is the best thing we can do. Roads are so busy- so many people fill the malls and stores. Smile, help someone out, share a little bit of your time...this is where the rubber meets the road in truly loving others.
During this time of year, we can get so caught up in the gifts, preparations, and decorations that we can forget the best part of this season. The time we get to spend with family (even those difficult to deal with) and the memory we get to make is the best part of the season. Sharing Christ's love and a servant's heart with those in our community is the best thing we can do. Roads are so busy- so many people fill the malls and stores. Smile, help someone out, share a little bit of your time...this is where the rubber meets the road in truly loving others.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Life is like a round-about...
Some years back I was driving back to Portland to take another turn of caring for my dad who had just received a liver transplant, driving and praying- this picture came to mind- a round about...
(the one I pictured had two roads to choose from)
It was a picture for my family. We were on this round about and there were two options: one would lead to brokenness and discord and the other would bring peace and unity. So many things had become a part of our lives that there was some tough choices to make and unfortunately too many veered to the first option. So for the passed four years, life has been filled with some tough stuff. At times, someone could change a direction slightly, but then really continue on this first path.
Here we are presently and in God's grace and mercy, I find that my family has made it back to the round about. We are circling this place again and we have these two paths before us. We are a bit wiser now due to the hard knocks from previous choices, and so I pray we try the other options this time around.
We all have moments when we are on this round about and the choices before us are ones that affect those who love us so much. In this place- it isn't about the love- the love is deep and there for ever- but it is about trust and fellowship, peace and unity, making memories worth making, and growing in the call of our lives.
I adore my family. Ya we can be crazy and wretched at times- we are humans- it is in us- but I love them, and am proud of where we are at today. God has blessed us with second chances and that, my friend, is one of the sweetest gifts a person can get. So if you know someone who needs a second chance- extend the hand of mercy. It is a beautiful thing.
And on another note- which could be another blog in itself- don't ever underestimate the power of prayer. I believe with every bit of my being that it is answered prayer that has brought us all back to a second chance option. So if you know someone who has veered to the tougher path- do not give up praying for them. God hears our prayers!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
I was reading through my journal this week and found a prayer I had written asking the Lord to "encapsulate" me with His presence. I ponder this word today.
As we sit at a sporting event, it is amazing how enthusiastic we can be in it. It is also amazing to see how foul it can make us. However, I am thinking on the exuberant expression of joy as fans jump up and down- shouting out praises to the team and cheering on the victory that is so badly desired. We are encapsulated by the game at hand- we are fully absorbed in our surroundings and don't feel the least bit foolish jumping up and down after the touch down or as the ball makes the goal box or swooshes through the basket. We are fully engulfed in the moment. It feels great! But- do we, do I get this excited when I praise the Lord? Do I exhibit my excitement the same way toward the Lord? It is a bit convicting because my answer is no...but I want to be. I think of David dancing through the streets before the Lord. Yes, some mocked him- but just like sports fans- he didn't care that he was being mocked? There is no hindrances to the elated emotion.
So to be encapsulated we must be unhindered...unhindered in our focus of mind. See the focus at the game is on the field (I am going with football here). The mind is focused on the play at hand. All we care about is our team getting the ball to the touchdown line or our defense stuffing the opponent so we take possession over again. So for a 48 minute game, there is a passion that pours out of us that doesn't compare.
Encapsulated by the presence of my Lord- unhindered,focused, passionate- a few more words are linked up with this now. I desire to be unhindered in my devotion and worship to the King of kings! I am passionate to be in His presence, to know Him first hand, to just love and worship Him.
As we sit at a sporting event, it is amazing how enthusiastic we can be in it. It is also amazing to see how foul it can make us. However, I am thinking on the exuberant expression of joy as fans jump up and down- shouting out praises to the team and cheering on the victory that is so badly desired. We are encapsulated by the game at hand- we are fully absorbed in our surroundings and don't feel the least bit foolish jumping up and down after the touch down or as the ball makes the goal box or swooshes through the basket. We are fully engulfed in the moment. It feels great! But- do we, do I get this excited when I praise the Lord? Do I exhibit my excitement the same way toward the Lord? It is a bit convicting because my answer is no...but I want to be. I think of David dancing through the streets before the Lord. Yes, some mocked him- but just like sports fans- he didn't care that he was being mocked? There is no hindrances to the elated emotion.

Encapsulated by the presence of my Lord- unhindered,focused, passionate- a few more words are linked up with this now. I desire to be unhindered in my devotion and worship to the King of kings! I am passionate to be in His presence, to know Him first hand, to just love and worship Him.
O Lord, I do pray to be fully covered by You.
Fully passionate and unhindered in worship to You.
You are so patient and kind and merciful, You are full of truth and wisdom.
I pray you have your way in each of us praying this today.
May we see things as You do,
May we be overflowing with joy because of your goodness.
You are the King of kings and Lord of lords and I pray for our lives
to be lived out unhindered and passionately,
that we may be encapsulated by You.
Help us not complicate it, help us be surrendered before You.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
If you asked my girls what word I use with them ALL the time they would tell you- balance. All my
The way I see things- everything has a healthy balance. Now, this is not to say that each of us balance the same- because we don't. We are each uniquely made and so we each must discover for ourselves how we balance just right to live out a fulfilling life.
There are so many areas in our life to achieve a balance and so it is a life long pursuit. The challenge is in maintaining balance. There will be seasons of chaos and we have lessons to learn through those times as well, but those seasons sure make the balanced seasons so much sweeter. :)
Since my girls were tired of my use of this word- (I was out of balance on the word "balance" haha), I looked up synonyms to use in place of the word...equilibrium, realignment...then in biology I was thrilled (obviously didn't remember from high school years) to learn the word, homeostasis, and how this is the description of how our physical bodies strive to remain in balance. O yes, it was a great day to come home and share with the girls just how the body was designed to keep in balance!!
Today- it is a treasure for me to hear my oldest child mention (more often than I think she even realizes) how she is striving for balance. I have all these hallelujahs going off in my heart, and it supplies me with drive to continue teaching and speaking this to the next two that follow, even with their rolling of the eyes. Though they don't want to hear it at times- it still gets in their minds as we continue to not only speak it, but live it before them. Then, one day you see it reaching their hearts as they start speaking and living it out for themselves.
How are you doing with balance in your life today? I strongly urge you to take time and sit quietly before the Lord and see if there are things that need adjusting. What better time than now??
The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you've lost it. Anonymous
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