So you might say- well these two are exceptions to the norm...I would still disagree. I have two teens under my own roof right now and I think they are incredibly smart...sometimes even for their own good. haha They have insight and view points that help expand mine at times and I love learning things from them. There is many things a teen balances- at a time of life that balance is not at all what they want to be doing.
I have also realized recently- there has been a lot more correcting going on for neccessary reasons. I was sharing with a friend who has younger children and she reminded me of something that we can forget to do in the season of teenagers...give positive encouragement!! We can get caught up in the typical battles that come with the teen years and get in a cycle of nagging or arguing and we as parents need to recognize this (or have a good friend help us in that) and step out of the picture long enough to assess things. My dad always said- when you are going to talk about bad news with someone (discipline to the teen is bad news)- start with something positive, hit em with the news, and end with something else positive- it helps the defensiveness not be as bad and you are living out a good motto- "the positive sandwich"- it was good advice!!
I love that we can learn something from everyone and our teens are no exception! They are full of "smarticle" things for us to glean. And maybe...just maybe...if they see us look at them in that light- they may strive more for wisdom over folly and that is a win-win! Don't you agree??