As a mom, we absolutely love our children and the majority of what we do is out of love for them. However, we must check ourselves because "in the name of love" we can also cover other things that are- lets face it- not love- moreso personal gain. So have you read the definition of love recently? I spent all last week reading it and let me just say- I am pretty convicted.
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1Cor 13The first sentence brought me to a screeching hault. Lover suffers long and is kind. Not really desiring to suffer long, nor is kindness on the tip of my tongue these days. So I have been sitting and praying through the situations in my life and walking this road trying to readjust some things in me and seeking the Lord's help for without Him I will not be able to walk in any lasting victories.
These are things I have seen as I have meditated on these words. We (I use "we" cuz I know I am not the only one) do a lot out of selfish desire- even if it is for the common good of everyone else. We operate a lot out of fear or control. Especially as mom's or women for that matter.
Truly though, this definition of love- we gotta remember- who are we to love? Even our enemies right? (Math 5:44) So that removes the justification of being rude or sassy to someone who ticks us off (cuz we know they so deserve it), but love doesn't behave rudely. O and if we are fearful- well- "There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear." (1Jn 18)
You with me on all of this. The greatest commandment- to love- Love the Lord with every part of us and love our neighbors as ourselves. It is all about love and we know this and we can try to walk in this, but as I have been reminded (and now so have you) love is so much more than a warm fuzzy feeling inside and opposite of our self-seeking nature. Victory is not in making it through a day without biting heads off- well it is a start, but there is so much more to it than this.
So I share first for myself (I already told you I am self-seeking at the moment haha) to be reminded, but also to encourage you (see I am a work in progress) because we need to get this in our lives. Without it we truly are nothing. Love is hard. That is my addition to this definition, however, it is good and so I pray the Lord helps each of us to increase in pure love for others.
Anyway, this is where my journey is presently and I welcome your feedback.
This is the chapter my class has been memorizing together (1Cor 13), and wow, there's so much to feast on here! I keep coming back to simply loving God first and the rest will follow. If I can get to that place where I worship, adore, and seek Him and only Him, how much easier this whole LOVE thing will be. It's all so hard though because this world and all this flesh I'm wrapped in gets in my way.
ReplyDeleteI've also been reminding myself daily that It's the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. THE KINDNESS OF GOD WILL LEAD MY CHILDREN TO REPENTANCE, not my condemnation, constant reminders, disappointed responses, constant nagging, or desire to control everything. God's kindness through us to our children goes so far. As always, I suppose this too comes down to balance. And I pray He will balance it all out as I seek to love Him first.
Good to hear from you, Sister!!!!