Does that describe anyone else? Why do we, as women, wanna fix things in other people?
Well, I am trying to put down the "fix-it" title. I know it is the Lord who makes lasting change, but I am always a bit too eager to help Him along- though He is not asking for my help. :) *blushing* And who do we want to fix most often??? Our spouses and children- right? I mean mother knows best!!... No- God knows best. ;)
So we go through life being others "Holy Spirit Helpers" driving ourselves a bit crazy because bottom line- Only God can reach the heart to "fix" things and it has to be a choice from the individual needing the fixing. Last March, so almost a year ago, I had been praying for my wonderful spouse because he wasn't seeing things as clearly as "I thought" he should (haha) and he needed to do something- as far as "I" was concerned. (again blushing) So I am in the Word, praying, writing in my journal, and God shows me something for myself... I am reading about Abraham and Sarah and God telling them they will have a child in their old age... and during their waiting Sarah, aka "fix it queen" thinks she has figured out a way to make God's plan happen and so they act on it- Abe and Hagar have a baby- which causes a big ol mess and the rest is I am reading that and God shows me- don't try and figure things out Rose. Trust, pray, wait and I will work...I,
yes I, will bring it about. (sheepishly grinning and blushing more)- ok God. God has it figured out. He knows what we need and what is best for our growth as well as those we love. So we are closing in on a year of me being in this place, a year of me living moment by moment, of struggling through my own impatience, and longing for this season to end. It must not be time yet because we are still here, so I will continue to trust, pray, and wait. I am so thankful the Lord showed me this- I would hate to have made a mess of something that God already has worked out in his time. He is the "Fix It King"!!
So Lord, may I be your maidservant in prayer, serving joyfully day by day, walking in full assurance that you got this! You got it all under control and you are so powerful and awesome that I do not need to jump in and save the day- You already have! I am so thankful for you Lord. Thank you for your Holy Spirit guiding us moment by moment. Fill us with your love that we may overflow to those around us.