Life seems to not make a lot of sense right now. It is chaotic, like the picture above. Who wants that in front of them as they are driving along the road needing clear guidance. NOT ME. I like simple and life is anything but simple. It is going all different directions and trying to keep up is just exhausting.
So in the midst of unexpected changes, I ponder my identity. As I do- I am so thankful to be reassured that I am a child of God. I am sealed in Jesus Christ and nothing can change that. Though life is so full of undesired changes and I feel a bit lost in it all right now- God is still good and that is something I can be sure of. I thank the Lord for His mercy that is new each morning. I am thankful for an able body that can work hard each day. I am thankful for the moments- that are fewer and fewer- when my sweet family is all under the same roof. I am thankful that though I don't know who I am at the moment or what my roll is in life that I have a Guide who is leading me and so I shall be ok as I cling to Him.
Anyone else in a similar place?